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/export: Export Group Content

  • URL:https://[root]/community/groups/[groupID]/export(POST only)
  • Required Capability:Administrator | Group Owner
  • Version Introduced:10.8.1

Example usage


This operation is only supported in ArcGIS Enterprise.

The following is a sample POST request for the export operation:

POST /webadaptor/sharing/rest/community/groups/3ca5299f4b3d423ebd66e9f72f9ef638/export HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryYhbOXGMMNAbGl1gv

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="itemIdList"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="async"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="f"



The export operation extracts all supported items, or a set of supported items, from a group and exports them into an export package (.epk) that can be uploaded and imported into a separate ArcGIS Enterprise organization. In addition, the export operation can be used to extract content so that it can be moved between disconnected environments, as well as assist with workflows where select content needs to be backed up and restored or archived. It is important to note that the receiving organization must be using the same version (or later) of ArcGIS Enterprise as the environment where the export package was generated.


This operation is also supported for groups that had the Shared updates designation set during group creation.

To demonstrate this functionality, consider the following scenario: You are a group owner who wants to move a set of the group's items from your organization's development environment to staging, and then from staging to production. You can call this operation and specify a list of item IDs for the items you wish to move to staging using the itemIdList parameter. Once the selected items have been exported into the downloadable export package, you can upload the package to your staging environment using the Add Item operation and, once added, call the Import operation to add the items to a designated group in your staging environment. This process can then be repeated to move the group's content from staging to production.

Supported items

The following table specifies the items that can be exported and included in an export package.


Group-based Esri configurable app templates are not supported.

ArcGIS Enterprise item typesEsri configurable app templateEsri configurable solution apps

ArcPad Package

Attachment Viewer

Web AppBuilder

CAD Drawing

Story Map Cascade

CityEngine Web Scene


Code Attachment

Crowdsource Polling

CSV Collection




Deep Learning Package


Desktop Application Template

Image Mask

Hosted Feature Services


Only hosted feature services are supported. Spatiotemporal-based hosted feature services, proxied feature services, and hosted feature service views are not supported. Hosted feature services will be exported with their associated data. References to layers within web map, web scene, and web mapping applications will be updated to reflect the ArcGIS Enterprise organization where they have been imported.

Imagery Viewer

File Geodatabase

Image Visit


Impact Summary


Informational Lookup

Geoprocessing Sample


Image Collection

Interactive Legend


Local Perspective

ArcGIS Instant Apps


Support added at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1

iWork Keynote

Story Map Journal

iWork Numbers

Story Map Series

iWork Pages

Map Tools

KML Collection

Story Map Tour


Media Map

Map Template


Microsoft Excel


Microsoft PowerPoint

Classic Viewer

Microsoft Word

Elevation Profile


Public Information


Simple Map Viewer



Support added at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0

Story Map Basic

StoryMap Theme


Support added at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0

Story Map Swipe and Spyglass

SQLite Geodatabase

Map Styler

Visio Document

Summary Viewer

Web Experience


Support added at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1

Web Experience Template


Support added at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1

Web Map

Time Aware

Web Mapping Application

Basic Viewer

Web Scene

Zone Look Up

Additional considerations

Only items contained in the group will be exported. If an item has any dependencies, such as a web map with a dependency on the operation service items contained in the map, both the item and its dependency must be shared with the group. If the dependent items are not included in the export package, and they don't already exist in the receiving portal, any calls made to the dependent items will fail.

An export package cannot exceed 5 GB, and any one item within the package cannot exceed 1 GB. The system will check to ensure that the portal content store has a minimum of 10 GB of disk space available before attempting to either export or import group content.

Request parameters



A comma separated list of item IDs, that exist within the group, to be included in the export package. This is an optional parameter. By default, the system will attempt to export all supported item in the group into an export package. If item IDs are specified in this parameter, the system will instead attempt to only export those items.


If true, the job is run asynchronously and the response returns job details.

Values: true | false


The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Accessing results

If async is false, and f is set to html, the response is an octet stream a client uses for downloading the export package. If f is set to json, the octet stream response cannot be returned on a successful export and an HTTP Status 400 error is returned.

If there are no items to export, a JSON response resembling the one below will be returned:

  "itemsExported": [],
  "itemsSkipped": [],
  "itemsFailedExport": []

If async is true, a jobID and key is returned:

  "jobId": "0c3d9012681845e4aa3ca3e5f9aae8fa",
  "key": "DjUElZ3XQjbJ2S/g7D5644SCEaTfDniHo5XQYYVWGjY="

Group owners attempting to export group content, but who are not administrators, must use both the jobID and key values to check the job's results and status using the following URL format:<orgID>/jobs/<jobID>?key=<keyValue>

Administrators can check the job's results and status using the jobID value in the following URL format:<orgID>/jobs/<jobID>

If successful, a success response will be returned containing an itemID and other job information. To download the export package, append the itemID from the response using the following URL format:<itemID>/data

JSON Response example

  "id": "fadcd0a7b58c422ebcf0847aad76885d",
  "definition": {
    "type": "export",
    "operationId": "cm009fe62d885748a4a19050844e1f8c20",
    "groupId": "3ca5299f4b3d423ebd66e9f72f9ef638",
    "groupTitle": "myGroup"
  "status": "succeeded",
  "created": 1586901221029,
  "modified": 1586901241914,
  "messages": [
    "Starting export of items in group 'myGroup' with id '142b3c7995ec447288f15db4d301fe53'.",
    "Added Export Package item with id '63a078b6aef54f1c91102fd9d4aa47f5' for group with id '142b3c7995ec447288f15db4d301fe53'."
  "result": {
    "itemId": "63a078b6aef54f1c91102fd9d4aa47f5",
    "created": 1586901241910