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The use of this resource requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Advanced license and a Production Mapping or Defense Mapping server extension license.

The products operation retrieves the products that a Topographic Production Service resource supports.

Request parameters



Specifies the response format.

Values: json | html



Specifies whether the full json definition of the map product is included.

Values: true | false



Specifies whether the data type of the productDefinition parameter's operations property is included in the JSON response.

Values: true | false


This parameter is available starting at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 and can only be used when the includeDef parameter value is set to true.

Example usage

The following URL queries the REST resource of the products:

JSON Response syntax

The following is the syntax of a response:

 "products": [
   "name": <name of product>,
   "description": <description of map product>,
   "gridType": <type of grid>,
   "sheetIDField": <ID of the sheet>,
   "productVersions": [
     "name": <name of the product version>,
     "template": <name of template>
   "enabled": true | false,
   "raster": <URL of raster layer>,
   "ancillaryLayers": [
   "lastModified": <date and UTC time of last modification in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ>

JSON Response example

The following is an example of a response:

 "products": [
   "name": "MTM50",
   "description": "MTM50 Map Product",
   "gridType": "TM50",
   "sheetIDField": "NRN",
   "productVersions": [
     "name": "TRD_4_5",
     "template": "MTM50_Layout.pagx"
   "enabled": "True",
   "raster": "",
   "ancillaryLayers": [
   "lastModified": "2020-08-11T20:26:58Z"
   "name": "MTM100",
   "description": "MTM100 Map Product",
   "gridType": "TM100",
   "sheetIDField": "NRN",
   "productVersions": [
     "name": "TRD_4_5",
     "template": "MTM100_Layout.pagx"
   "enabled": "True",
   "raster": "",
   "ancillaryLayers": [
   "lastModified": "2020-07-31T00:36:23Z"

JSON Response example

The following is an example of an error response:

 "error": {
  "code": -2147211775,
  "message": "Product name not found.",
  "details": [