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Assets (Feature Service/Layer)


An individual asset resource returns the asset information for a feature layer. An asset is a chunk of binary data such as a texture, image, or a 3D geometry. Assets can be bulky. Their efficient exchange between a client and a service is key to achieving low latency in editing workflows.

An asset is identified by its hash using a hash algorithm such as SHA-256. The hash algorithm is a part of the layer description (assetHashAlgorithm). The assets can be shared between layers depending on the settings of the 3D Object feature class, where assets can be shared within a feature class or across feature classes in a workspace. However, assets are kept as part of the layer not the service.

If a client already has an asset, it should not be requested again. If the server already has an asset, the client should be able to find that and not upload that asset again. To facilitate their efficient exchange, the service has separate asset operations on the layer resource.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is bin.

Values: bin | html | json

Example usage

The following is a sample request URL used to access the assets resource, which specifies a bin response format:

The following is a sample request URL used to access the assets resource, which specifies a json response format:

JSON Response syntax

  "assetHash": "<hash>",
  "contentType": "<mimeType>",
  "assetData": "<base64EncodedAssetBytes>"

JSON Response example

  "assetHash": "6486ee53c8faba18045ef29d382f1c8227bde3a25d37f7a62fe0d2259a3a14dd",
  "contentType": "model/gltf-binary",
  "assetData": "Z2xURgIAAACoiRAAsFcAAEpTT057ImFjY2Vzc29ycyI6W3siYnVmZmVyVmlldyI6MSwiY29tcG9uZ..."